
Yoga and Hypnosis

If you have spent any time at all doing Yoga, whether it be Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini, Tantra, or the number of other styles of yoga, a couple things are always prevalent and that is the relaxation pose that is done before and after a session and sometimes intermittently between poses.

Why is this? During this time of relaxation, called Savasana (shah-VAHS-anna) or Corpse Pose; you connect with your inner being and replenish your energy. Your focus is on the present moment and on your breathing. These things create an improved sense of well-being. You feel rejuvenated and more aware of your body. Many people experience an altered state of mind; a state of total clarity or even euphoria. For most, it takes time, patience, and practice to achieve this trancelike state.

Meditation has been used for years to achieve this same tranquil state of mind and for longer durations of time. During meditation, you relax and calm the mind, and focus on your breathing and letting go of thoughts.

Similar to meditation, in that you reach the same or even deeper levels of mind; is hypnosis. To achieve a state of hypnosis, you close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and relax every muscle in your body; the same way that you do in your final savasana in yoga.

However, unlike meditation where you dont think, in Hypnosis, you think. Hypnosis is a natural tie-in to yoga for the fact that it will help you to achieve deeper levels of relaxation during your yoga practice, help you to continue your focus on your breathing, and if practiced regularly, will bring about a more calm state of mind to begin with.

One of the benefits to doing Hypnosis, over any other relaxation technique though is the suggestibility aspect of hypnosis. During hypnosis, when your subconscious mind is open and listening, you give suggestions to yourself such as I am improving each day. or I can go beyond old limitations There are hundreds of affirmations you can create before entering this state of hypnosis and repeat to your subconscious mind. Once your subconscious mind hears these thoughts, it will become a part of your natural thinking process and these ideas will support you in your practice.

Another way to give yourself suggestions is through visualization. Visualization, although for some weak in the beginning, can be strengthened over time. Some people are just more naturally visual than others and if you are not one who is, it is a very valuable skill that can be learned over time. And perhaps you may benefit more from simply hearing the affirmations. Or you may be what is called a kinesthetic person and instead of seeing those ideas, you can experience the feelings moving through your body during hypnosis. In either case, you can take some time in hypnosis to explore through visualization, any problem areas you are having in your yoga practice; such as getting more balance during balancing poses, or being able to stretch further, or having the strength to endure some of those more strenuous poses for longer periods of time.

These are only a few of the benefits you will discover as you deepen your Yoga journey through the power of Hypnosis.

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